Brown Skua

Last updated on February 29, 2024

Brown Skua at Paulet Island, Antarctica

Published on February 29, 2024. Last updated on February 29, 2024
Shot on February 16, 2024, at 11:21 AM UTC+3 at Paulet Island, Antarctica. I posted this observation at
Shot on February 16, 2024, at 11:21 AM UTC+3 at Paulet Island, Antarctica. I posted this observation at iNaturalist.

Among penguins

Published on February 27, 2024. Last updated on February 27, 2024
Shot on February 11, 2024, at 8:28 AM South Georgia time at Godthul, South Georgia & The South Sandwich Islands. I posted this observation at
Shot on February 11, 2024, at 8:28 AM South Georgia time at Godthul, South Georgia & The South Sandwich Islands. I posted this observation at iNaturalist.