

Hi there, welcome to my public journal on the internet. My name is Timothy Lie, born in a tropical country at the northeastern part of South America, Suriname.


Here’s a summary of what I have been up to these couple of years.

I went on a voyage to Antarctica during the first quarter of 2024 to learn more about the isolated white desert, yet I came home with great memories of people I’ve met on the ship.

Last year I spent most of my time on the tennis court, but my attention has shifted into workmode. My interest is to delve more into scientific research about wildlife and the climate, particularly in the polar regions.

I’ve been actively trading and investing long-term in the crypto markets since 2015 where I first stumbled on Dogecoin which lead me to Bitcoin, and one year later Ethereum. Focussed all my attention on the developments in the bitcoin and ethereum community, while also actively working on some art projects in the ethereum ecosystem. The Covid-19 pandemic was an unique period. I took the time to go outside and shoot some photos of the situation of my native country, Suriname, which was also dealing with an economic crisis. Later that year, a couple of friends and I started a project to sculpt a stone and tokenize it on the ethereum network as an nft. When the world slowly started to get its grove again, the crypto markets went into a frenzy! Our genesis Etherblox sculpture got a bid by the founder of Gitcoin, Kevin Owocki. I decided to travel and deliver the sclupture across the continent. At the second half of 2021, I went to check out a couple of cryptoart exhibits in New York, where my dear friend Jivinci also participated in. In 2022, I took some personal time off and focussed my attention on tennis, a hobby of mine since childhood. I traveled around Europe, and saw a Ghibli & Joe Hisaishi orchestra in Bourdeaux, France.
